Chia De Gracia

Chia De Gracia

Chia De Gracia
kr 779.00
Muscle Up is 100% natural, extremely versatile protein supporter and muscle mass supplement for horses. Muscle Up contains: pea protein, buckwheat, flax, fenugreek seeds, spirulina, pumpkin seeds, bee pollen and a...
Chia De Gracia
kr 769.00
Chia de Gracias After Work er designet for å behandle hesten din etter trening og for å fremme kroppens restitusjon etter jobb. Velsmakende og sunn grøtblanding inneholder linfrø, byggmalt, chiafrø, bryggergjær,...
Chia De Gracia
kr 575.00
Anti-inflammatorisk og smertelindrende, styrker huden, ledd og muskelplager og avgifter MSM er en organisk svovelforbindelse som kan brukes i kombinasjon med andre urteprodukter, for å styrke opptaket og...
Chia De Gracia
kr 519.00
CdGCOPPER is a supplementary feed to ensure a horse's adequate copper intake. CdGCOPPER contains Bioplex´s® chelated organic copper, which is in a natural and efficiently absorbed form. Dosage: Horse 500 kg: *...
Chia De Gracia
kr 490.00
CdG ORGANIC SELENIUM is a supplementary feed to ensure the horse's adequate selenium intake. CdG ORGANIC SELENIUM contains Bioplex® chelated organic selenium, which is in a natural and efficiently absorbed form.


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